
Our Woodland Gods - Preorder

Created by Robert Turk (Wicked Clever)

A GMless ttRPG about cozy cultists seeking salvation in the horrible Eldritch Woods.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

OWG - We did it!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 01:10:51 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

OWG - Solo mode unlocked!
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 12:02:29 PM

Holy Cow Cultists!

A week ago we were still striving for the funding goal, and now you all have blown past that and knocked out two stretch goals! So... the game is going to have a legit SOLO mode!

The next big stretch goal at $15,000 was to add gilded edges to the pages and some extra options in the rules.

Instead of posting that and having folks stressing out trying to drum up $2k in 6 hours, or feeling dejected that we don't hit it, I am instead going to say this: I will add whatever cool extras I can fit in with anything else we raise. 

If that means we can afford gilding the edges, we will do it. But adding the extra rules options will be the first priority. These are the two things I really want to do:

1) Double the options on the remaining rune charts. Right now, most charts have 13 options corresponding to the 13 runes. The "blessings" chart has 26 options, because each rune is further split into black and red for the colors of the cards. If I have the page space (and I can come up with enough options), I will work on making ALL the charts in the book have that red/black split.

2) Fancify the character sheets and map page. The character sheet and playmat that we have right now are fully functional and laid out in a pleasing manner. They will totally work for the game without any illustration. But I would love for them to have just a hint of art to them. 

Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you all took the plunge and joined this little cult! 


OWG - 1st Stretch Goal Unlocked!
10 months ago – Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 07:10:12 AM

Hey Cultists,

Sometime in the night we unlocked the first stretch goal! So you get a ribbon bookmark, and you get a ribbon bookmark... every book gets a bookmark! We are also adding more art!

Up next: Solo mode! (and fancy end sheets)

Like I said in a previous update, you can absolutely play this game solo. But it is super hard to succeed all by yourself. You are probably going to wind up dead. If we cross the $13k threshold though, I will add extra rules on how to make this a manageable and rewarding solo experience.

We haven't yet hit the 48 hour mark, which is when Kickstarter sends out reminders to everyone on the "Follow This Project" list. So I have faith that we can get there!

Thank you all for your support! Keep telling your friends about it. They totally want to join this cult! 


OWG 102% Funded!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 06:06:46 PM

Hey there Cultists!

We did it! We have crossed the threshold and are still going strong! We now have 6 more days to hit some stretch goals, the first of which is adding more art to the book and unlocking those ribbon bookmarks.

Why do bookmarks matter? For one, they make a book feel special and fancy. Seriously, all the great tomes have one! But they also serve an important function in the game. A bookmark allow you to mark your page when you flip to the back of the book to check a chart. And since these will be built into the spine, you won't ever lose them! Just like the cards, we don't NEED them to play the game, but they do make everything easier.

Speaking of cards, I just found out that the price on the decks is going up on December 1st. :( However, this doesn't change anything for backers! The decks are still $15 until the end of the kickstarter. I will be placing an order on Nov 27th to beat the deadline, but any decks that are sold after the kickstarter (in the backerkit, on our website, or at a convention) will be more expensive. 

We never planned on putting the decks into distribution. We simply aren't printing enough to do that. There might be a few left over to snag at a convention next year, but I wouldn't bet on it. So, if you want the fancy deck of cards, please add that while the project is still active!

I can't wait for you all to see the finished game and to explore the story I have created for you! Thank you so much for your support thus far. Keep telling your friends and helping grow our cult to epic proportions!


OWG Day 8 - Happy Halloween!
10 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 08:52:41 AM

Hello Fellow Cultists!

This is a very quick update to let you know that two pledges have been added:

  •  Cultist Outreach ($110) - This gives you two of everything. Two hardback books, two copies of the PDF, and two decks of the cards. (Yes, you could have done the second set as add-ons and gotten the exact same price, but this way is easier than scrolling through and clicking multiple boxes.) 

  •  US Retailer ($165) - Since I have had several retailers ask, we are now making it easy to just click and pledge. This pledge gets your store six copies of the signed, hardback book and six copies of the Deck of Eldritch Ways at the standard distribution discount. If you want more or less than 6 of the book or cards (or if you want signed copies of our other books), please reach out and we can adjust things to fit.

We will reach out to confirm that anyone picking the retail pledge is a US based, brick and mortar retail store, as we cannot ship this package overseas.

Tonight I am taking my kids Trick-or-Treating (it is going to be cold here in Ohio), and tomorrow night I will be hosting a character and world creation play-through of Our Woodland Gods on the Nat21Adventures Twitch Stream at 7:30pm ET. If you are interested in seeing what the beginning of the game looks like, feel free to tune in!

Thanks again for all your support! Please keep sharing the links and recruiting your friends! Nobody wants to be in a cult all by themselves, right? You have to surround yourself with a group of your favorite cozy weirdos...
