
Our Woodland Gods - Preorder

Created by Robert Turk (Wicked Clever)

A GMless ttRPG about cozy cultists seeking salvation in the horrible Eldritch Woods.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

OWG - Now available on our website!
6 months ago – Fri, May 03, 2024 at 07:00:41 AM

Hello Cultists,

Now that the final package has arrived at it's destination, we have opened up sales to the general public. Your friends can now snag their own copy of Our Woodland Gods, signed and shipped from our website or in PDF form from DriveThruRPG.

We also have a VERY limited number of card decks left for purchase and shipping to US addresses on our website.

Retail ordering is happening right now! This means you will be able to get a copy from your local gaming store in June or July. And for our European cultists, I just saw that a German based distributor ordered a bunch, so those should be available in the EU at some point this summer too!

Speaking of international orders, there are two packages waiting to be picked up from local post offices. If you live in Germany or Norway and have NOT received your book, please check your tracking number. Chances are it is waiting for you nearby.

All of our games at Origins this year will be run (by me) in the Indie Games on Demand room. So, make sure you stop by if you want a chance to play or just to say hi! There will also be copies available for purchase at the Studio 2 booth at both Origins and Gencon.

Thanks again for all of your support! Happy gaming and be safe out there, the woods are dangerous!


OWG - Notice for International Backers Only
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 01:39:42 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

OWG - All Shipping Complete!
7 months ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 08:42:54 AM

Hey Cultists,

I just checked the tracking on the last batch of international packages and they have all now left the United States on their way around the globe. So I can safely say, "SHIPPING IS NOW COMPLETE!"

All of our books are printed by Jostens in the US. They are usually very high quality - so if you have any issues, I will make sure it gets fixed for you. (We have had one book slip through the signing process with a gluing issue.)

If you are still hunting for the email DriveThruRPG sent with the download PDF link, I can dig it up and send it to you via KS messenger. No need to stress about it and sort through your spam box, just poke me over here (messenger is best) and give me a few days to respond.

Even though these books will not release to retail stores until June or July, I will be adding them to my own website for order as soon as possible. We will also be setting the PDFs live for order on DriveThruRPG sometime in the next few weeks. So, if your friends want a copy but missed the kickstarter - it is coming!

Thank you again for all your support. I am already hard at work on the next two games, Vale of the Failed and the Fallen and Murder Island. Those that joined our mailing list via the backerkit survey will be getting an update in the next month or so!

Enjoy Our Woodland Gods and I hope your cult thrives!


OWG - US Shipping complete!
8 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 07:35:20 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

OWG - Shipping has begun!
8 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 03:08:52 PM

Hey Cultists,

Here we are, books in hand, shipping things out about 3 months earlier than expected. Who does that? The woodland gods must be smiling.

70 packages went out this morning, and many of those will be arriving on Monday! We are currently boxing up and shipping all US orders that are a single book and a single deck of cards. Those are the biggest pile, so we do them first to clear space. We have another 50 or so left to do on those.

Next will be any US orders of single books without cards. Then we get into all the other unique combinations, as those need to go one by one, since they all have a different weight.

Lastly are the international orders. They require the most paperwork, and it just goes better if everything else is out of the way first.

  • You will get a email from PirateShip, with a tracking number, when your label is printed. It might take a day or two from that point for your package to actually get in the mail. 

Please note that the USPS likes to eat one or two boxes every time as tribute. But don't worry - all these packages are insured. So if something goes wrong, please let us know!

We did run into a slight snag! 

The boxes we ordered in December listed the outside dimensions as the inside dimensions. And even though we should have had 1/4" clearance all around, when I put the box together... we didn't. 

I engineered a solution though, by putting the tabs on the outside and using an extra strip of tape. The best way to open these is to cut along all three bottom edges and then lift off the "lid". 

  • If you are receiving cards, they are wrapped in the same paper as the book, but on top. So please be careful not to open your box above a sewer grate, beside a canyon, or atop a cellphone tower. I'd hate for those to fall out and fly away.
This is a 6x9 box, you say? (Not on the inside!)
Engineered solution! Card decks are under that paper, but on top of the book. The tabs even help hold the card decks in place!

Please be on the lookout for your packages! Thank you again for your support and I hope you enjoy the game!
